
Sea Sweeper - minesweeper

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Ahoy, Sailor! Go on an expedition in this new version of minesweeper and explore the oceans to find hidden treasures!
But remember to be careful - avoid running aground by identifying the land in time.


Late Summer
Snow Flake
Autumn Delight
Fool in Love
Almost Over
For the holidays
Sea Weed
Ocean Life
Summer Breeze
Ocean Ride
Treasures in the Sea
Sassy Sailor
Fly the Flag
Dangerous Waters
Sparkling Sea
Spinning Wheel
Open Sea
Skilled Seaman
Rich Sea
Fortune and Fame
Use Your Compass
Surfing Bonus
Flag in the Bag
Deep Blue
Diamond Sea



How to play Minesweeper

The Game

Explore the oceans in Sea Sweeper, a new version of the old classic minesweeper game, and avoid running aground by marking unknown land.

There are an infinite number of tracks to explore to your heart's content. Collect diamonds to unlock new lane sizes and lane types.

Basic rules
The playing field
Right click
Click on Numbers
Zoom and Pan
Lane types
Treasure Hunt - extra rules
Custom Lanes


In Sea Sweeper, it's all about marking the land under the clouds with flags. The playing field consists of clouds, under which the sea, land and numbers are hidden.

Your task:
1. Use the numbers to find land.
The numbers show how much land is hidden under the clouds within the eight squares around the number.
2. Mark land under the clouds with flags.
3. Explore and remove clouds over sea with the steering wheel.

Remove clouds over a piece of land = lose a life.
Remove clouds over a piece of sea = keep playing.
Remove clouds over a number = use the number to find out which field you can explore next!

Your goal is to find all the land and mark them with flags - before you lose your 5 lives!

This version of minesweeper is made so that you never have to guess and the player knows what to do! All Sea Sweeper courses have a logical approach to finding the next possible flag to place or cloud to remove. It can be hard to figure out, but see if you can figure it out!

If you are still unsure about the rules, you can also view the instructions and play the sample courses in the game under the menu item 'Instructions'.

The playing field

  • 1. The numbers- are your only help in finding land. Use them as a guide to place flags!
  • 2. The tools- use them to explore and place flags, among other things.
  • 3. Hints- appear as red and jumping numbers that pop up when you need help.
  • 4.Uncovered land- appears when you have found all the land within a marked area (square).
  • 5. Top panel- shows you how many flags to set and how many lives you have left.


There are four different tools you can use in the game depending on track type.

Steering wheel- can be used to explore i.e. remove clouds. Use the wheel on a field where you are sure there is no land hidden under the cloud. If you hit a piece of land with the wheel, you lose a life.

The flag- used to place flags in clouds. You can put as many as you like.

The shovel- used to dig up treasures. If you dig in the wrong place, you lose a life.

The compass- lets you mark areas that you have already checked. This way you can exclude areas that don't match any treasure maps.


Depending on which tool you have active (i.e. using left mouse click), you always have the option to use another tool by right-clicking.

This means that if you are usingthe steering wheelon the left mouse button, you will always be able to quickly accessthe flagon the right mouse button.

The same applies when usingthe shovelon the left mouse button, where you will always havethe compasson the right mouse button.

You do not need to right-click, as you can always switch tools on the tool button itself. However, mastering the use of the right click can be beneficial as it is a lot easier to play with.

As it is not possible to use right-click on mobile devices, it is possible to hold your finger down for a longer period of time to use the tool that would normally be available on the right click when using the wheel or paddle respectively.


There are two types of hints that help you in the game if you get stuck or make some mistakes.

Red numbers- numbers turn red if you put too many flags in the clouds around the number.

Bouncing numbers- when you have been idle for a while, i.e. have not set a flag or explored an area, there will be some numbers on the playing field that will start bouncing. This is a hint for you to move forward in that area, using one of the jumping numbers.

You can always turn off hints in the menu if you want to play without them.

Click on numbers

If you enable 'click on numbers' in the menu, you can click on the numbers in the game to explore or tile all surrounding fields at once - depending on which tool you use. Thus, you can complete a course even faster if you master clicking on numbers. But use the functionality wisely, as you can easily lose a life if you're not careful!

Zoom and Pan

Zoom- You can zoom in on different areas of the map by using the mouse wheel. Scroll up and down to zoom in and out. On mobile devices you can pinch to zoom. Pinch your thumb and another finger together to zoom in closer and spread your fingers to zoom out again.

Panning- You can pan around the map by clicking and holding the left mouse button and then drag the map in different directions. The same goes for mobile devices, where you can move the map by holding down your finger and dragging it around.

Game types

There are three different game types and an extra challenge to try out in Sea Sweeper: Sailor, Navigator and Captain, and Survival.
Sailor- As a sailor, your goal is to explore the oceans and find the land under the clouds. Put flags in it and explore the entire playing field. See also the basic rules for Sea Sweeper in the previous section.
Navigator- You've been promoted to navigator, so now it's all about finding treasure using some treasure cards you've gotten your hands on. You still have to explore and flag the land, but to find a treasure you need to find the map that matches the marked areas on the playing field. The faster you find it, the better!
Captain- You are now the captain and even when the treasure cards are upside down and you don't know which direction is north and south on the cards, your goal is to find treasure! In this type, the maps can be both rotated and flipped.
Survival- The sea is a dangerous place. In this challenge you go out with only one life, but with the chance of extra profit. Take the chance and get extra high earnings.

Treasure Hunt - extra rules

When playing the Navigator and Captain game types, your goal is to find treasure. Your task is to check the treasure maps continuously while exploring the clouds. You can always try digging, even if you are not 100% sure if the treasure is somewhere.

  • 1. Marked areas- on the playing surface shows which areas the treasure cards fit on.
  • 2. Number of treasure cards- shows the number of the treasure card out of the total number of treasure cards.
  • 3. Change treasure cards- can be done with the arrow buttons above the map. You can only see three at a time, but there may be more. For example, you can see in the picture that only the first three of the four treasure cards are actually visible.
  • 4. Number of treasures and treasure value- can change from lane to lane.
    There may be more treasure cards than treasures on the lane, so keep an eye on how many treasures are in the lane and the number of treasure cards shown.

    The less you explore, the more you get per treasure. Sailing around looking for treasure is expensive, so when you use your steering wheel, the treasures you find will lose value. You can watch the treasure chest as it changes value. In the smaller courses, they may have less value from the start. It is 'free' to set flags, so use this to your advantage.

Custom courses

You will eventually be able to create your own courses in Sea Sweeper.
The 'Custom' menu contains both slider buttons and on and off buttons that you can use to make the following settings:

  • 1. The size of the course
  • 2. The size of the areas on the track and the size of the treasure maps
  • 3. The number of flags/countries
  • 4. Buttons for survival, treasure hunt, flipped and rotated treasure maps
  • 5. Number of treasure maps
  • 6. Number of treasures

There are some settings in the menu that are dependent on each other. This means that some sliders will move and show other options when you make changes to another button. In some cases this will limit your selection, but in others it will give you more options. So try it out and create the course you most want to play!

Diamonds and Tokens

You earn diamonds and tokens for each completed course. This is based on the difficulty of the course. After winning a course, the prize spinner draws a random prize or - if you're lucky - the bank.

When you're on a treasure hunt you will earn more diamonds and tokens depending on how much you use the wheel, i.e. how much you explore to find the treasure. Even though you have the opportunity to find something in the treasure chests, it doesn't mean that you get less out of playing Sea Sweeper courses without treasure.

Minesweeper history

Minesweeper is a popular computer game that has been included as a standard feature in many operating systems, including Windows. The game's history began in the 1960s and 1970s with the development of computer games and programming.

The earliest form of minesweeper was developed in the early 1960s by a math professor named Alex Randolph. Randolph created a board game called "Mines" or "Minesweeper" as a physical board game where players had to detect mines and avoid detonating them.

With the advent of personal computers and the increasing popularity of computer games, minesweeper was later developed as a computer game version. In 1989, the first version of the modern Minesweeper game was included as part of the Windows Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.0.

Minesweeper was introduced as a simple but addictive logic game that required players to detect and avoid mines using logical deduction skills. The game quickly gained popularity and became a favorite among many users of the Windows operating system.

The goal of the game is to reveal all fields that do not contain mines by clicking on them. If a player accidentally clicks on a field with a mine, the mine is detonated and the game is lost. Players use numbers displayed on the squares to help identify where the mines are located. By using logical reasoning and eliminating possible locations of mines, players can gradually uncover the entire playing area.

Over the years, Minesweeper has gone through various updates and customizations. It has been included in various versions of the Windows operating system and has also become available as a mobile app and online game.

The popularity of Minesweeper is due to its simple yet challenging gameplay that combines logical thinking and risk assessment. The game has become a classic and a favorite among millions of players worldwide who enjoy testing their skills and trying to reveal all the fields without detonating any mines.

General about Minesweeper

Minesweeper is a popular computer game often found as a standard feature in many operating systems, including Windows. It is a logic game where the players' goal is to reveal squares on a playing area without detonating mines.

The game's playing area consists of a grid of squares, some of which contain mines and others are safe. Clicking on a square reveals its contents. If the field contains a mine, the game is lost. If the square is safe, a number is displayed indicating how many mines are in the nearby squares.

Players use these numbers to help determine where the mines are located. By using logical deduction, you can gradually eliminate possible locations of mines and reveal fields without mines. It is important to pay attention to the numbers displayed on the revealed squares as they guide the player to make the right choices.

The game requires patience, attention and strategic thinking. Players must assess the risk of each move and decide which squares are safe to reveal and which may contain mines. It is also important to develop techniques to increase the chances of revealing multiple squares at a time and minimize the risk of hitting a mine.

Minesweeper can be both challenging and addictive. It offers a combination of logical thinking, strategic planning and risk assessment. The game can be played at different difficulty levels depending on the size of the playing area and the number of mines.

Minesweeper has become a classic computer game and is loved by players of all ages. It's a game that offers hours of entertainment and brain exercise, requiring both concentration and tactical decisions. Whether played as a relaxing pastime or as a challenging battle to beat your personal best, Minesweeper is a favorite among gamers worldwide.

Tags: minesweeper game, Minesweeper online, playing minesweeper

Gameplay video


What do you think?
  • great for all levels

    Nice game, fun for all ages and levels of player

  • Minesweeper plus more...

    This game is like minesweeper plus more with a twist... Minesweeper fanatics will enjoy playing this! :)