Offline - 14 years


Hi Everyone,
My name is Debbie, I have been happily engaged to my partner for 4 years and have a son who is now 9 yrs old!
I am self employed, running two businesses from home: a childminder keeps me busy through the day, and during the evening and weekends and all spare time, I run a scrapbooking/cardmaking/craft site.
My website: www.debs-scrapbooks-cardmaking-n-crafts.com - has not long been set up and is still in tweaking stage, but is beginning to look rather good - if I do say so myself! - simple but good!
I am now in the process of putting products back into the site including some fantastic new items, which I think I may have to try out myself!
I am also heavily into most crafts: cross stitching, scrapbooking, cardmaking, painting/drawing and also do alot of crafts with the childminded children as well as my own son and his friends and my stepson.
I love reading, music and watching films (not horrors) and follow the series of 'Stargate SG1' 'Stargate Atlantis' '24' 'Bones' 'Standoff' as my main tv time.
I have a skill for figures and have also started an accountancy course, as I do my own accounts for both business's, plus my partner's who runs a landscaping/gardening business and my Dad who is a painter and decorator. It is hard work, and some days I think 'why did I start this'? and I don't yet have an acceptable answer! LOL
It is fair to say I am extremely busy with work and family and all I could really wish for is a reasonable win on the lottery to allow me to follow my dream of running my very own craft shop!

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