Offline - 9 years


"RULES RULES RULES" Our lives are governed by rules and NO ONE is the exception. Just think about it , you have rules from the time you are born. There are rules when you're a kid. Rules when you're in school and rules when you're a teenager. At the age when you can get your driver's license oh wait...there are rules to the road. How about a job...rules again! Playing on PAW...nope....rules again!! Just face it there is nothing that we do or say that isn't governed by rules and they say you and I live in a free country....LIKE HELL WE DO. There is only one thing that I can think of that isn't governed by rules and that's "DEATH"....when and how it happens is strictly up to you...woohoooo finally NO RULES!!! Hmmm.....makes you wonder if living is all that great after all eh?

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