Offline - 14 years



I am a fun person to be with and I love to have a chat. I am looking for people to talk to and have a good chat with. Talking about the usual stuff we women talk about, kids, our men, shopping, and every thing in general.


I have three children ages are 25,23 and a 5 year old.The older two are girls and the wee one is my pride and joy a boy. I also have three grandchildren two boys and a girl, ages are 5,3 and nearly a year old.


People think it is funny that I have a son and grandson the same age but it was not planned that way.


My hobbies are computin, cross stitching and children. I have a good man and son. They are always winding me up, when they are not doing that my man is on the computer and son is playing his xbox.


I have been married twice and the second time is the best.

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