Offline - 12 years


i have green eyes, my hair is brown with blonde at the ends and just past my shlders, i have glasses (but not really big things i've got really small nice ones) but wear contact lenses most the time and i have my belly button and ears peirced. i draw alot (to much actually but oh well gives me something to do) i am very friendly so if you want you may request to be my friend i will most likely say yes unless ive had a trouble wid u. ;) please drop a message in my guest book i love gossip or u culd jus say hi. :D if u have any nice pictures could you plz leave some in my gb cause i love mystic creatures and faries and need some inspiration for more drawings. i love final fantasy it rules <3 <a href="" target="_blank">Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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