Offline - 13 years



Jack Osbourne, Roy 'Chubby' Brown without the suit. I was given my new name of Jak and am known mostly as Jak... My real name which not many people know (And won't be said) is only said by my family and a select couple of people. I go out on Fridays and Sundays and help my friend on Karaoke and I even go out on select Saturdays. I have my first book (Under my real name) coming out sometime next year. I love most TV programmes that end after one series (Or a couple and mainly get cancelled when they have a lot more story to tell.) but I do like a lot of serieses that last for some time. I love any music but Indie is my true love mostly (Joint first with Ballads). 7 years ago I broke my back (I can still walk) causing me severe pain and other problems, I try to do too much usually and end up in more pain. With that though comes more responsibilities, by that I mean the way I help others I have to realise what to do and what not to do and other things... However, ask me things I'm not shy about my back. After leaving school I got into a very serious relationship. I was with the girl for a couple of years and we were going to get married on the 9th of December (This year a day before her birthday) That relationship ended and since then I've just been flirting with loads of girls but nothing has ever come from anything as serious as that relationship. As well as my writing, being a writer, I'm a singer/entertainer and a struggling actor... Finally my last thing I want to say is a quote that the late, great Alfred Hitchcock said about True Movies and movies made by people and acted by people who weren't there and lived what they are acting out... This is great as being an actor it would explain if I made it big why I would never appear in True Stories unless it was my life story. "Acting is Acting, it's nothing more than telling a story, but it should never be used to tell a real story, because an actor can not relive what they never lived."

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